
How does Witech Micropod 2 work on PT Cruiser & Dodge

I’m happy to report that my clone wietch Micropod 2 off obdii365.com does work, this unit doesn’t use a HDD, just install witech natively, it comes with witech 17.04 and drb 3 as well. This is what I have.

Look here
It’s a small package, coming with a VCI pod, a usb cable and a CD inside software
Pins inside the VCI pod connector are built well and I’ve never had connection issues
Sticker lol…. put it on and it’s definitely same as the original
And also on the CD it has wiTECH software version 17.04.27 – it’s the newest version tested by their professionals.
and also it has the DRB stub, DRB emulator, Enhanced DRB Stub and three versions of the Enhanced emulator.

The wiTECH installation is easy with the help of a Youtube video they’ve uploaded.
And DRBIII emulator with Micropod 2 is an old topic on the web. This is the tutorial i’m using. http://blog.obdii365.com/2018/06/16/install-drbiii-emulator-for-micropod-2-on-windows-7/
This guy has the same Micropod as me. It did work!

So far, I have the Micropod 2 on three cars.

DRBIII emulator + 2003 PT Cruiser: works  (the main things lol)
DRBIII emulator + 2004 Dodge: works
wiTECH + 2010 Charger: works

Btw, Micropod 2 with DRBIII emulator work for old Chysler the year 1997 – 2004 (2005)
And with wiTECH only works for Chrysler made after the year 2003

First, I tested on a 2003 PT Cruiser.

Basically no other modules other than the Engine, work. I cannot connect to the transmission, ABS, VTSS, SKIM, radio, cluster, etc. But everything in the engine module can be tested, actuated, etc.
Luckily for me, I really only needed the DRBIII to write the Pinion factor for manual transmissions, which is conveniently in the ‘engine’ part which works.
Maybe I really need to invest in an older VCI pod so that everything else works.

Then, I also tested it on a 2010 Charger under witech and works flawlessly, and got a 2004 Dodge pickup and under the emulator worked perfectly.

Edit to update:
I already called my locksmith, who drives an 04 Sprinter to try it as well.

So I had a chance to test my Micropod II with not only wiTECH but also the DRBIII enhanced emulator. Both work good!

Say thanks if it helps ðŸ˜€


How to solve MicroPod2 "wiTech 1.0 Sundown " Error

I had error when install witech Chrysler diagnostic tool for Micropod 2 interface.

"Attention: wiTECH 1.0 Sundown

As previously communicated, wiTech 1.0 will no longer diagnose vehicles that are fully supported in wiTECH 2.0 beginning in July.

Please upgrade your micropod to wiTECH 2.0 so that you will not see any lapse in vehicle coverage.
For information on how to upgrade your micropod to wiTECH 2.0, visit webpage at..."

The error is caused by wrong software version. You have installed witech V17.03.10, this old version is not compatible with Micropod. You should install correct witech Micropod 2 V17.04.27 version in software CD. 


wiTech MicroPod2 Original vs. HQ Clone Interface

Here’s a comparison chart of genuine vs. clone witech micropod 2 system, incl. High-quality witech micropod system vs. bad micropod 2 china clone.

Genuine WiTech Micropod2 vs. Clone wiTech Micropod II
witech micropod2 for sale:
– the copy is 1:1 of the genuine, of high quality and good stability, its connector matches the car OBD plug perfectly.
– With high-quality USB cable which transfer data stably and reliably
– The package is anti-static, moisture-proof, anti-electromagnetic interference
– Workable with your current wiTECH software
– No smart cables required
– No drivers needed

micropod 2 ebay?
Ebay should be a good place to buy items. But for professional vehicle diagnostic tools, a site with experienced experts and technical support teams like http://www.obdii365.com/

witech micropod 2 price:
Original micropod 2: $4599 around
Clone micropod 2: $179 – $525, depends on quality
Note: MicroPod 2 (Item. No SP271-B) is the best quality one among china clones, same as the original.

witech micropod II HQ Clone Customer Review:Just ordered a chinese clone MicroPod II and it has been working exactly like an OEM unit. No errors so far and tested functions on 3 different vehicles. It has been confirmed working with unmodified software wiTECH v17.03.10 (downloaded directly from Chrysler). For now it works fine.
I have tested Dodge also. I just used it on a 2014 dodge avenger just fine. I am able to flash a module update and program a new key with the unit.

I don’t have experience with Windows XP. This version of Witech works fine on Windows 7 and Windows 10.
I have also uploaded pictures of the internals for those who are curious.
witech software download:


Micropod 2 Review on Chrysler WK & DS 2015

Reasons for the purchase:
All of the dealers in my area don’t seem to know what they are doing. No problem with either of my vehicles is solved on the first visit and I normally have to guide the dealer mechanics to find issues.
They are very nice but I honestly don’t have the time to teach them how to fix my vehicles. That’s why I wanna purchase a witech Micropod 2 interface but it is hard to justify the cost of the oem version for just my 2 Chrysler vehicles.

Purchase a Micropod clone with things like flash programming, general diagnostics, obd mode 8 stuff like abs bleeding

I wouldn’t mind spending the $500 if the clone tool works, I just don’t want to be the guinea pig

Order and delivery:
I just ordered one Micropod clone off obdii365.com
The kit is shipped directly from China and arrived for a few days.

The firmware that mine came with was v2.4.1.

I have a 2015 WK 3.6L (wife) and a 2015 DS 5.7L (me).
Micropod clone vs OEM:
The Micropod clone itself appears to be reasonably high quality but there are obvious differences from the OEM version: no lanyard, no wi-fi, no metal clip on the OBD 2 connector, etc.

Micropod clone problem:
The problem with the clones is that you can only use them with the old versions of the software that weren’t online, and they only go up to around 12MY or so. You also can’t do any sales code configuration or the like without a DealerCONNECT account.

wiTECH software installation:I followed the directions that came with the kit (albeit in somewhat fractured English) and upon starting the wiTECH software, I got a “device with serial number XXX-XXXXX is not registered” error message.
The company that sold it to me said the copy of wiTECH was destroyed somehow and that I needed to buy a “wiTECH hdd” from them for a small additional fee. Not entirely sure what that would be but I worked around the problem before I got their reply. Long story short, I am a computer guy so I spent a couple of hours messing around with the software and the computer it was installed on and was able to get around the issue.
Micropod II + wiTECH tests:
I connected it to my 2015 DS and my wife’s 2015 WK with no issues. I disabled the side view mirror tilt in reverse on her WK (only thing she didn’t like about it) and she was thrilled. There are functions to bleed ABS, program tire sizes, etc. There are literally hundreds of sensor readings, dozens of tests, actuators and misc functions that you can perform that seem to be very vehicle specific – which you would expect. Every switch/gadget in the vehicle seems to have a corresponding sensor reading of some kind in the software. The only odd behavior I saw was when I connected to the ABS computer of my DS… the EVIC freaked out and started screaming to service the ABS. Maybe that is a safety feature of some kind so folks don’t go driving while messing with the ABS computer? Powering the vehicle off and on again made the ABS warning go away. I could not find any “PROXI alignment” functions – maybe they don’t apply to my vehicles?
I did not try flashing anything as I don’t have a good enough reason to sign up for a time-limited TechAuthority subscription at the moment but next time I do, I’ll give it a shot. At the very least, it will be nice to be able to go to the dealer next time and tell THEM which modules need updating (wiTECH lets you print an ECU report) because whatever point-of-sale software the advisors use doesn’t always tell them when an update is available. For example, my PCM is on an AE revision but TechAuthority said that AF is available (and has been since before my last dealer visit)
Your mileage may vary but this was $200 well spent in my eyes.
Suggestion & more research:
I’ve done a considerable amount of research on this software and it appears that as of the 17.04.27 P4 patch level, the wiTECH 1.0 system has been EOL’ed for all CAN bus vehicles – forcing you to use the 100% web-based wiTECH 2.0.
If you decide to move forward with the Micropod clone, you will need to block the P4 update (or find a way to block the “diagnostic.js” file that does the check) or the software will kick you out seconds after opening the vehicle topography.
Once the update is blocked, it works fine – confirmed up to the 2015 MY.

wiTECH MicroPod2 unable to connect error solution

Here are the connection error and solution of wiTECH MicroPod 2 for Chrysler: “wiTECH Application was unable to connect to the device at IP Address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”

Error message:
When users select a device in the Connection Wizard they may see the error message, “wiTECH Application was unable to connect to the device at IP Address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx…” as shown in the screenshot below:
Possible reasons:
  • wiTECH Diagnostic Application was installed and used by a user with “administrative” privileges on the PC and subsequently a user account with standard/restricted privileges attempts to use the application. The standard user does not have access to a file named “device” under C:\ProgramData\wiTECH\WDE (On Windows 7/Windows 8) folder.
  • IP address conflicts/ network issue.
  • The VCI device may have entered to a state where in it could not recover from an error condition.

When you see this error, please follow the steps listed below to fix the issue:
– Close wiTECH Diagnostic Application.
– Quit the wiTECH Server from the Windows System Tray as shown in the screenshot below:
– Login to the PC/Laptop with a user account that has administrative privileges.
– Locate the following directory on the PC/Laptop:
C:\ProgramData\wiTECH\WDE (On Windows 7/Windows 8)
– Right click on the “device” file and select “Properties” as shown below:
– Select “Security” tab in the “device” file “Properties” window and select “Users” from the “Group or user names” section as depicted in the screenshot below:
If you do not see “Users” in the list of Groups, click on “Edit” button and click on “Add” button as shown below. Enter “Users” in the “Enter Object names to select” section and click on “Check Names” button and “OK” button to get the “Users” group added to the list of user groups.
– Check the checkbox “Allow” for “Full control”. This will give full permission to all the Users of “device” file.
– Click on “Apply” button and then click on “OK” button on the “Permissions” window and “device” file “Properties” window.
– Login to the PC/Laptop with the Standard User account. Start wiTECH Server as shown below:
– Launch wiTECH Diagnostic Application -> Select the VCI device and see if the application successfully connects to the VCI device.
– If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact your network administrator to make sure that there are no IP address conflicts involving the wiTECH Network IP range.


Micropod 2 Clone Review: Purchase, Install, Report

Reasons for the purchase:
All of the dealers in my area don’t seem to know what they are doing. No problem with either of my vehicles is solved on the first visit and I normally have to guide the dealer mechanics to find issues.
They are very nice but I honestly don’t have the time to teach them how to fix my vehicles. That’s why I wanna purchase a witech Micropod 2 interface but it is hard to justify the cost of the oem version for just my 2 Chrysler vehicles.

Purchase a Micropod clone with things like flash programming, general diagnostics, obd mode 8 stuff like abs bleeding

I wouldn’t mind spending the $500 if the clone tool works, I just don’t want to be the guinea pig

Order and delivery:
I just ordered one Micropod clone off obdii365.com
The kit is shipped directly from China and arrived for a few days.

The firmware that mine came with was v2.4.1.

I have a 2015 WK 3.6L (wife) and a 2015 DS 5.7L (me).
Micropod clone vs OEM:
The Micropod clone itself appears to be reasonably high quality but there are obvious differences from the OEM version: no lanyard, no wi-fi, no metal clip on the OBD 2 connector, etc.

Micropod clone problem:
The problem with the clones is that you can only use them with the old versions of the software that weren’t online, and they only go up to around 12MY or so. You also can’t do any sales code configuration or the like without a DealerCONNECT account.

wiTECH software installation:I followed the directions that came with the kit (albeit in somewhat fractured English) and upon starting the wiTECH software, I got a “device with serial number XXX-XXXXX is not registered” error message.
The company that sold it to me said the copy of wiTECH was destroyed somehow and that I needed to buy a “wiTECH hdd” from them for a small additional fee. Not entirely sure what that would be but I worked around the problem before I got their reply. Long story short, I am a computer guy so I spent a couple of hours messing around with the software and the computer it was installed on and was able to get around the issue.
Micropod II + wiTECH tests:
I connected it to my 2015 DS and my wife’s 2015 WK with no issues. I disabled the side view mirror tilt in reverse on her WK (only thing she didn’t like about it) and she was thrilled. There are functions to bleed ABS, program tire sizes, etc. There are literally hundreds of sensor readings, dozens of tests, actuators and misc functions that you can perform that seem to be very vehicle specific – which you would expect. Every switch/gadget in the vehicle seems to have a corresponding sensor reading of some kind in the software. The only odd behavior I saw was when I connected to the ABS computer of my DS… the EVIC freaked out and started screaming to service the ABS. Maybe that is a safety feature of some kind so folks don’t go driving while messing with the ABS computer? Powering the vehicle off and on again made the ABS warning go away. I could not find any “PROXI alignment” functions – maybe they don’t apply to my vehicles?
I did not try flashing anything as I don’t have a good enough reason to sign up for a time-limited TechAuthority subscription at the moment but next time I do, I’ll give it a shot. At the very least, it will be nice to be able to go to the dealer next time and tell THEM which modules need updating (wiTECH lets you print an ECU report) because whatever point-of-sale software the advisors use doesn’t always tell them when an update is available. For example, my PCM is on an AE revision but TechAuthority said that AF is available (and has been since before my last dealer visit)
Your mileage may vary but this was $200 well spent in my eyes.
Suggestion & more research:
I’ve done a considerable amount of research on this software and it appears that as of the 17.04.27 P4 patch level, the wiTECH 1.0 system has been EOL’ed for all CAN bus vehicles – forcing you to use the 100% web-based wiTECH 2.0.
If you decide to move forward with the Micropod clone, you will need to block the P4 update (or find a way to block the “diagnostic.js” file that does the check) or the software will kick you out seconds after opening the vehicle topography.
Once the update is blocked, it works fine – confirmed up to the 2015 MY.



How to install DRBIII for Micropod2 on Windows 7

Confirmed! Clone wiTech Micropod 2 Chrysler diagnostic interface is working good with DRBIII Emulation!

Look at the post here:

Thanks to Radius for the info he provided in the first post along with information provided by ShufStiX in various other threads. I PM’d for the link PW after giving +rep and thanks but never heard back so I ordered my MicroPod2 from obdii365.com. It came without a hard drive but included a disk that had folders for both the 17.03.01 and 17.04.27 versions of wiTECH software along with third folder with DRBIII software. I went at getting everything working with what was here and some trial and error. After a couple different Windows installs and combinations of software versions, I finally got everything to work. I haven’t used anything outside of the DRBIII emulator as I need this only for the Chrysler Crossfire so I don’t know how the instructions below will affect use of the wiTECH software but they work perfectly for the DRBIII emulator part.

1: Start with a fresh install of Windows 7 Pro 32-bit.
2: Install all the necessary drivers for your laptop.
3: Set the clock to the current date and time. (It didn’t work when set to 01/01/2017)
4: Connect to WiFi and performed all necessary Windows Updates.
5: Copy the “wiTECH_Install_17.03.01” folder to the desktop.
6: Install the provided version Adobe AIR.
7: Install the provided version of Java.
8: Install wiTECH 17.03.01.
9: After you have finished installed everything, when you get popup messages from Windows Firewall to allow or block any applications, click “Allow”.
10: When you get a popup for AdobeAIR and Java to update, click cancel and do NOT update either AdobeAIR or Java.
11: Open “My Computer” and in the upper left of the window, click on “Organize” and then select “Folder and search options”.
12: Click on the “View” tab and under “Hidden files and folders” select the radio button for “Show hidden files, folders and drives”. Also, uncheck the option for “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)” and then at the top of the window, click the “Apply to Folders” button.
13: Navigate to “C:\ProgramData\wiTECH\jserver\data\core\stubs” and you will find three installers.
14: Install the DRBIII Emulator stub.
15: Wait for a popup to appear that states the security certificate isn’t valid and click “OK” to allow the software update to proceed. Another popup will appear and the software update will run. After it completes, close the wiTECH window if it opens.
16: Install the Enhanced DRBIII emulator stub.
17: Again, wait for a popup to appear that states the security certificate isn’t valid and click “OK” to allow the software update to proceed. Another popup will appear and the software update will run. After it completes, close the wiTECH window if it opens.
18: Install the K-Line stub.
19: Again, wait for a popup to appear that states the security certificate isn’t valid and click “OK” to allow the software update to proceed. Another popup will appear and the software update will run. After it completes, close the wiTECH window if it opens.
20: Connect the MicroPod2 to the vehicle, then connect it to the computer.
21: A popup window will appear to install software. Click “OK”.
22: After it finishes, start wiTECH 17.03.01 and wait for the screen to show up with the MicroPod2 and IP address of it. You will see a “Launch DRBIII” button in the lower right corner. Ignore it as they do not properly open the emulator.
23: Create a shortcut on the desktop and enter the following into the ‘Path” field.


24: Disable the LAN and WLAN network connections and never connect to the internet again.
25: Click on the shortcut and you’re set! The DRBIII emulator will open and give you the choice to select several different vehicles.

Again, I want to thank Radius and ShufStiX for the info they provided.

Big thanks to rcompart who posted the info with we all.